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C++ Local Functions Without Lambdas

C++ has no concept of local functions: functions defined in the scope of another function.

int main()
  int foo()   // defining
  {           // local functions
    return 0; // is not
  }           // valid C++

  return foo();

C++11 adds support for lambda expressions:

int main()
  auto foo = [] () { return 0; }; // non capturing lambda
  return foo();

If you’re locked in pre-C++11, you’re not out of luck though. C++ always has allowed the definition of local types. Instead of a lambda, you can fall back to defining a struct with a static method:

int main()
  struct local
    static int foo()
      return 0;

  return local::foo();

This is a trick I’ve been using in production unit tests when testing C APIs that take callbacks. And yes we are (also) targeting non C++11 compilers:

TEST(ApiTest, doSomething())
  struct ProgressState
    ProgressState(bool returnValue = true)
      : calls(0),

    void reset()
      calls = 0;
      rate = 0;

    static bool progress(uint32_t amountDone, uint32_t amountTodo, ProgressState* state)
      if (state->calls == 0)
        EXPECT_EQ(0, amountDone);

      float rate = (float)amountDone / (float)amountTodo;
      EXPECT_GE(rate, state->rate);

      state->rate = rate;

      return state->returnValue;

    int calls;
    float rate;
    bool returnValue;

  ProgressState state;
  EXPECT_TRUE(doSomething((ProgressFunc)ProgressState::progress, &state));

I learnt it a long time ago on the good old flipcode and at least Tom Forsyth mentioned it on Twitter recently.